8th entry - Looking Good

The Chinese have a saying that Vanity (lit. "wanting to look beautiful") is Human Nature. In my view, vanity is a spectrum. On one end lies the extreme "vain-pots", who even willingly spend a fortune to go under the knife in order to acquire a totally different appearance - does "Extreme Makeover" sound familiar? They do not bat an eyelid when forking out astronomical sums for the latest beauty products, slimming pills and fashion. They will not miss out on the latest fads in slimming, exercise and fitness.
On the other end lies the "cannot-be-bothered", who do not give a hoot about how they look. They do not see anything wrong with wearing clothes that do not match (let's not even talk about personal style here - they are probably clueless about the whole idea of "style"). Some women at this end of the spectrum think displaying overgrown hair on their face, arms, legs and armpits is acceptable, and even wear sleeveless blouses and knee-length skirts to flaunt their hairy assets (some of them can even make men envious).
Thankfully, most of us fall somewhere in between. In this group, some have a greater sense of style than others, but most will not go all out to embrace the latest trends in beauty. In spite of an increasing number of men who claim to be so-called "metrosexuals", most men tend not to fashion-conscious unless they feel that it is necessary to maintain a certain "image"; even then, most will just want to look respectable and confident. In my view, men are naturally vain, more than they are willing to admit. While it is acceptable to most men to spend more on clothes and accessories, many deem it effeminate to even use a facial moisturizer. Some men will rather spend quite a bit of money on body-tattooing than on removing unsightly body hair (like on their backs and pubic areas), which I think is considerably less painful.
A good friend of mine who is a lady told me that women have a broader definition of beauty. Women are said to look beyond appearances to judge "true beauty", while men in contrast tend to be more visual. Yet it seems acceptable for women to forever be hunting for that elusive piece of fashion to complete their personal collection. Most women prefer to oogle at physically attractive men privately or within a close circle of girlfriends, gazing shyly at them with sidelong and furtive glances. Men, on the other hand, will stare at an attractive woman as though by looking long enough he can see through her clothing (in comic strips men actually salivate or suffer nosebleeds for their blatant lustful behavior).
From a secular or societal perspective, it seems that the entire spectrum of vanity is acceptable. Provided you can afford it and that it is legal, the sky is the limit as far as making yourself look good is concerned. From a Christian standpoint, however, one wonders what the acceptable boundaries of vanity are. If I am concerned about losing weight, am committing the sin of vanity? I think the answer depends on whether looking good takes the place of God in your heart. Only you know the answer to that question, as it is between you and God.
I found an article in Christianity Today that talks about weight-loss surgery. In God's eyes, beauty is not skin deep. God created us in His image and He gave each of us gifts to help make the world a better place, so to this extent everyone is beautiful in His eyes. Of course, those who choose to use the gifts the way that God intended us to use them (i.e. those are obedient and holy) will be more "beautiful" than others. This Beauty is the inherent goodness than exudes a person who cares for people other than themselves.
I think women do not necessarily have the broadest definition of beauty. In my opinion, God has the broadest definition of beauty and His standard of beauty is what we should aspire to attain for ourselves. Having said that, I'd probably continue my exercise (swim/run/gym on alternate days)/diet (low-fat/carb, high fibre)/beauty (cleanse, tone and moisturise) regime to make sure I keep my body and appearance in good condition. Why? Because this body is a temple, and is a gift from God that I am thankful for. I do not want to abuse it by filling it with unhealthy food and depriving it of much needed exercise.
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