7th entry - New Hyperlinks

I've finally learnt how to put in hyperlinks into the Blog. :-p That's right, this Blogger is pretty duh.
The first hyperlink is the default Google News that had been there since I started. I am only leaving it there because it has developed a sentimental value for me - anything that is a first for me will have some sentimental value for this blogger. Besides, in case my Blog is too boring you can always quickly escape into the news story of the day. :-D
The second hyperlink is dedicated to my good friend, Teflonman, who gave me the imspiration to start Blogging. If not for him, I might have ended up surfing the net only for naughty pictures and become an addict. Also, he introduced me to the wonderful experience of Blogging, which I believe many of you fellow Bloggers out there can identify with.
The next series of hyperlinks will transport you to worlds of scenic beauty and visual pleasure. I am a big fan of desktop wallpapers and I love to see beautiful scenery appear and change on desktops all the time. Anyone out there with good links to recommend please let me know. ;-)
The last series of hyperlinks starting with Artistic Photos are purely hedonistic for some and offensive to others. They comprise nude photography (which some call pornography), pornographic content (which I do not recommend for children aged 21 years and below) and adult jokes (not for the prudish, I'm afraid).
In case you wonder why this Blogger sometimes appears to be a "goody two-shoes" and other times appears to be a "naughty boy", and you guessed that I must be schizophrenic, then you are right. I am very upfront about this - I have 2 persona - a public and a private. To make this even more complicated, I know that each persona has 2 sides - a good and a bad. My own personal mission in life is to make myself a persona that combines all these 4 mega-facets of my personality into one persona - hopefully a good, public persona - which means I am the same good person in public and in private. And I think the only one who can help me is God. ;-)
If you think I dont sound like any one of you reading my Blog, you are very blessed indeed. Not everyone is normal like you are. Be thankful. :-)
Hm... Looking at things, it would be a matter of time that you would start blogging, inspiration from me or not. Doing great so far. :)
Just thinking out aloud. You may want to remove the adult links because people can blow the whistle on your blog having offensive content. Googling for those addresses is one thing, but making it so easily available, I'm afraid, contravenes Blogger's policies, if I'm not wrong. The joke links can stay tho.
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