Interlude - Christmas is Around the Corner

Have you ever thought about what Christmas really means to people nowadays?
Does any of the following sound familiar?
1) Giving and receiving presents - giving presents to people that wont burn a hole in your wallet but wont let those receiving your presents think that you are very stingy; receiving presents from people who dont know what you really want or need, and then ending up having to put your present in the dreaded store-room (or closet or whatever its called)
2) Christmas parties - people act like meek little sheep until invited up to the buffet table by the host, before they turn into ravenous wolves and gorge themselves silly with food piled up to amazing geometric heights on their flimsy paper plates; then when the food is gone and presents are exchanged, everybody tries to spot the first one that leaves before taking the opportunity to take off into the night. At some parties around the world, I think people can drink till they are drunk, smoke pot/take ecstasy pills and dance until wee hours in the morning, but I have never been to those kind of parties - maybe in Singapore's HDB flats the police will arrive to arrest everybody before the first person can get high on anything (thanks to the tip off from a civic-minded neighbour who was unfortunately left out of the host's invited guests' list)
3) Santa Claus and reindeer - these are what one sees only in or outside shopping centres (where there is an annual competition to see which shopping centre can put up the most spectacular display) in Singapore, or on children's shows, and gifts. If Santa Claus really came to Singapore he will be told he needs to lose weight at one of our fabulous gyms and be forced to go on some low-cal diet. His reindeer will not be admitted because no pets are allowed anywhere, plus he will get lots of fines for letting his reindeer poop anyhow and anywhere. Besides, there arent any chimneys or even fireplaces; those who have probably installed the most high-tech security systems in their house that are linked to our highly-efficient Men-in-Blue (MIB), so that even before Santa can open his bag to bring out his presents he will be arrested for breaking-in and attempted burglary. And who can remember the wierd names of Santa's reindeer? And how many reindeer does he have anyway? Are they immortal too, or do subsequent offspring that replace their parents at the reins bear the same names as their parents and their parents' parents and so on? But WHO CARES ANYWAY?!!! (sorry - just trying to be funny here - to all Santa's fans and fans of his magical reindeer, please accept my apologies)
4) A white Christmas - lots of snow, snowmen and snowfights. For many Singaporeans who have never seen or felt real snow, even the vicarious experience of watching people on TV celebrating a white Christmas can be just as enjoyable as touching the snow with their hands. I think many of us are conditioned by effective advertising to associate snow with fun, so that it must be very enjoyable to play in the snow. Just ask any Russian, Quebecan, Alaskan or Hokkaido-an, who needs to shovel snow every f**king morning, noon and night just to be able to get out of their house, how "fun" snow is to them. Reality always bites.
5) Looking at the decorations and light-up in Orchard road. Every year a fortune is spent on electricity bills and decorations trying to spice up the largest commercial stretch in this country. Many people actually enjoy walking down the brightly-lit street because it adds to the "festive feeling". I cant help but think of how many poor people out there who need to scrimp and save to be able to foot their monthly electricity bill - remember the elderly brother and sister family who got their electricity cut off because they couldnt afford to pay their bills? there are others too ... I'm not sure how many of these poor people will benefit from Orchard Road being stripped bare of lighting and decorations, but thats not the point.
So what is the point?
No, I am not trying to dampen the festive spirit of Christmas for anyone out there. For the record, I love Christmas. I just dont like the way that we have been conditioned by popular media and business advertising to think what Christmas is about.
If you have ever been asked the question "How come nowadays we dont feel the festive 'Christmas spirit'?" or "How come Christmas nowadays like so commercial like that?", you might pause and ponder further what Christmas is really about.
Please allow me to share my views with you - I dont wish to impose my views on anyone and you are free to ignore me. To me, Christmas is a time to be thankful. To be thankful for all that we have and all that we dont have.
Some of us have more money than others; should we not share our blessing with those living in poverty?
Some of us have all our sensory organs, arms and legs, etc fully intact, and are not stricken with terminal illnesses; should we not think of those who are not able to enjoy the gifts we take for granted, including good health?
Some of us complain about not getting that position, promotion or bonus at work or not being able to afford cars, condos, etc etc; should we not think about those who worry where their next paycheck is coming from, and whether their children can afford school uniforms or even to study at school?
Some of us are afraid of being alone or lonely on Christmas Eve or of not having a date to go to the friend's Christmas/NY party with; should we not think about those who fear for their lives because of persecution, crime and fighting?
I'm not saying its wrong to enjoy ourselves during the festive period - in fact its silly not to celebrate when we have a reason to! The question is whether its right to forget others less fortunate than ourselves when we are busy having fun. And dont forget, Christmas is as much a secular festival as it is a religious one - for Christians its even more important to remember that its a day we commemorate the birth of our Lord and Savior, who later commissioned us to bring the gospel message to the lost. The Devil is an expert in turning something good e.g. revelry and celebration for the Hope we have in Christ, into something bad e.g. forgetting God and His purpose for us.
This is a reminder to myself and whoever's out there: be thankful. To fellow Christians, its also an exhortation to love the Lord our God with all our hearts and souls and minds and strengths; and to renew our commitment about loving God and loving our neighbours.
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