6th entry - From a Guy Hopelessly in Love...

I've known S for close to 3 weeks now, but we "officially" started a steady relationship 2 weeks ago. Over the phone we exchanged our candid impressions of each other and decided to give it a try. Over the past few days we had been talking to each other everyday, and meeting very frequently (at least twice a week). As my understanding of S grew, so did my love for S. Before I realised, I discovered I had fallen hopelessly in love with S.
How do I know? I think of S everyday, almost immediately after waking up (of course I still think of God first, but I guess no one can replace Him in my heart). I think of S throughout the day, worrying how S is doing at work. When we are spending time together I feel so happy, especially doing the couply but "mundane" everyday things. Just being in S's presence was all that mattered to me - eating in or out together, going shopping for groceries, watching TV ...
Of course, the physical intimacy was terrific too - S is the best lover I had ever been with, and I have already made up my mind to satisfy S in bed in every conceivable way. S is the sweetest, gentlest, most considerate and thoughful and yet most passionate and affectionate person I have ever met and/or had the privilege of making love to.
S has inspired in me the desire to express myself in poetry... This is a half-poem I composed for S recently (I was interrupted):
When we touch my body trembles and shakes
Every part of me is electrified.
Your love gently courses through my body,
Giving life to all the cells that its made.
When we kiss and hug we become as one,
Our hearts will beat in unison alike.
Darling I love you more and more each day!
I know it sounds terrible and cliched, not to mention very exaggerated ... but what I wanted to express was the life-giving power that the love between S and I has breathed into my body, and the inseparable bond that ties us together.
On 24 Jan, S and I made a greek salad together. To me, it was a milestone because it was the first time we made a meal together and ate in the privacy of a home, like what couples do. The most enjoyable part was feeding each other mouthfuls of the vegetables, but other things like washing the food/utensils and preparing the meal were fun too. The salad also symbolised our relationship - putting together what we learnt from our past, combining our talents and using our strengths to meet future challenges, overcome obstacles along the way and cover each others' weaknesses. My desire is to turn our salad from a homemade meal into a gourmet, and to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and faith in God.
Maybe I'll need to attend some cookery classes too ;-)
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