3rd entry - Watercolor Workshop

On Wednesday a good friend of mine, FK, and I attended a free watercolor workshop at the Esplanade Mall (Singapore). The workshop was conducted by an arts studio named Studio Haroobee, which conducts lessons for children and adults in the use of various art medium such as watercolor, oil, acrylic and even illustration (e.g. manga art).
An experienced local watercolorist led the class of about 10 "students". He first gave a demonstration of wet-on-wet technique. Using large brush strokes, he covered the entire piece of paper with clean water. He then mixed some colors and applied them onto the wet surface. When it was our turn, I felt that the technique was really more difficult to execute than it had appeared during the demonstration. Nonetheless, FK and I gave it a good try and I thought FK did pretty well.
In the second half of the workshop, the teacher showed us the wet-on-dry technique. Over the initial coat, details were added on using finer brushes, thus giving definition, depth and texture. Trees, a boat, rocks and so on began to take form. It was amazing to me how the teacher could already have the final picture in mind the moment he started to paint. I admired his use of minimal, bold and fast brush strokes. In fact, his deft handling of the brush and skilful mixing of colors left me mesmerized. I felt as though he was performing magic, with his brushes acting like wands, and the color pigments like ingredients to make the potions and spells.
He said that the colors one used reflected one's personality. There was one lady who was using predominantly orange and red to create very imaginative pieces; the teacher said that those were "her colors" - colors associated with her personaliy. I was told that "my color" seemed to be blue, and he was spot on. I like blue - especially the darker shades and hues of blue - this color attracts me due to its association (in my mind) with reliability, security, calm, serenity and water (which is something I like very much). In life I am drawn to people who are reliable, secure, calm and harmonious, and I also seek situations that peaceful and quiet.
I painted a picture as though viewed from a barge cruising down the Nile along the Valley of the Kings in Egypt during sunset. I need a lot more work on the horizon, water reflection and ... well, actually everything! :-)
Having been out of touch with watercolor for such a long time, I am just so happy to be able to pick up a paint brush again! For this I am eternally grateful to FK. We may be starting formal training in watercolor soon - we are looking forward to more and better works in future.
That picture you did is very nice!
thanks bro! :-D will strive to improve
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