5th entry - D. Grayman

One of the Japanese animations that I enjoyed very much is D. Grayman. This animation is in some ways a typical Good-Battles-Evil adventure animation set in imaginary 19th century Europe. The Good is represented by a group of super-human heroes known as "Exorcists" of the Dark Religious Organization (supposedly linked to the Vatican), formed to counter evil forces and save humanity from destruction. The Evil is represented by the Ancient Family, which is headed by the Earl of Millennium who vows to cleanse the world of humanity with a "flood" (a subversion of God's destruction of sinful men in the great flood during Noah's time) and dominate it.
The anime (also available in manga) is very popular around the world, and the latest episodes (#90+) are telecast on Arts Central in Singapore the same week in Japan. I suppose the main attraction of this anime is the colourful and complex characters, as well as the way the plot gradually reveals.
The Millennium Plot
When a loved one dies, those left behind are often filled with unbearable grief and loss. Like Satan, skilled in the art of deception and exploiting human weakness, the Earl will appear to these people who are at their most vulnerable point and make them an offer that they cannot refuse: to bring their loved ones back. Unknown to them, by accepting the Earl’s offer, he will have power to call back the soul of the deceased and create Akuma. The soul is eternally trapped in the Akuma and compelled to do the Earl’s bidding. Ironically, the first victim that the Akuma claims is usually the loved one who gave the Earl the authority to call them back; after the murder, the Akuma will assume the form of their loved one and hide among the living to destroy more humans and create mayhem.
Akuma have the ability to evolve (like Pokemon) into more powerful and “intelligent” monsters. As it does, the human soul trapped within it becomes consumed until it is merely supporting the existence of the shell. Fortunately, the tormented souls within Akuma can be freed if the shell is “exorcised” by Innocence, the power of Good. One might wonder how the Earl will come to know of humans whose loved ones are dying. Well, the Earl makes use of human conspirators who notifies him of such people. These heartless people may even pretend to be friends of those grieving for lost ones. So much for trusting people who appear to be nice … The “blood” of Akuma is evil and contagious. Only those with Innocence (e.g. Exorcists) do not get infected by the blood.
The big question is: can the power of Innocence overcome and power of evil as represented by the Millennium Earl and the Ancient Family who want to destroy humanity with their undead Akuma army?
For more info on this anime, visit animenewsnetwork or dgraymananime (I owe most of the facts about the characters through this website).
Here's a video clip from the recent episode where Allen Walker miraculously plays the piano and saves his comrades and the Ark. I like the music - it has a dreamlike quality and the vocalist sang with much feeling. The plot now revolves around how Allen can play the score of this music on the piano when he has never learnt it. Could he be a spy for the enemy, or a maligned savior of mankind (subversion of Jesus Christ)?
(To be continued in Part 2)
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