3rd entry - An unwelcome visitor

On 21 Jul, a bat visited my apartment. It probably flew in sometime during the day, and my mum was the first one to discover its unwelcome presence when she returned home from work in the evening. She was scared silly at first because she didnt know what it was (she didnt turn on the lights), and when I called her at around 8 plus in the evening, she was hiding in her bedroom, refusing to go out. "It flew around and around..."
When I returned home at close to 10pm I didnt see anything strange in the apartment at first. My mum, who had by then mustered just enough courage to shower and return to the safety of her bedroom, was unsure whether the "thing" was still at home. Anyway, I went to open all the windows in the house just in case, and nothing strange happened until I switched on the lights in the living room. Thats when the bat stirred and started flying around the house in circles.
I panicked. I was all alone in the kitchen. Not knowing what to do, I dialled the number for the police using a phone in the kitchen. An officer picked up the call and patiently asked whether I had opened the windows. I was then told to call the Town Council (the estate management) and then the officer hung up. I tried to shoo the creature out of the house but it refused to fly away. At my wits end, I armed myself with an umbrella and walked to the bathroom to shower, then quickly hid in my bedroom.
In the morning, the unwelcome visitor was nowhere to be found. However, it left behind a trail of tiny, pellet-shaped droppings all over the living room. It probably dropped the "bombs" from the air as it circled the room in panic the night before. Although our encounter was brief and terrifying, I was quite happy that something extraordinary happened. I guess I must have been really bored with my life to have found myself enjoying such distractions...
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