Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hello, I'm Back!!!

It feels GREAT to be back, after a LOOOOONG break from Blogging. I wondered if any of you reading this missed me (hahahahahhaa..........)

So many things have happened lately that I felt I should record them down. Plus my memory is starting to fail. Yesterday, I accidentally drowned my mobile phone in the laundry wash because I forgot to take it out of my shirt pocket. I felt so sorry for it when I fished it out of the wash, dripping wet and sputtering its last electronic breath, and attempted in vain to resuscitate it by draining out the soapy water from its lifeless body.

Yup, the gradual and insidious onset of memory lapse could be a sign of aging creeping up steadily upon me. Actually this horrific process could have started when I was a baby. I often forgot to breathe, until much later when I realised that other people breath automatically. The only things automatic for me was getting hunger pangs and farting.

I have been called back for National Service training for the second time in my life after I ORD from the army in 1997. At the time of writing I had already served my first week, and was serving my second. When I stepped into the reporting office this morning, I froze: shit, what happened to all the files on the table?! Within seconds, one of the more helpful NSF (active servicemen) informed me that the Commanding Officer suddenly issued an order for Stand-By-Office yesterday. That means that within a few minutes, the office must be transformed artificially and unrealistically clean for inspection. My folder containing my university scroll was missing from my table.

Why did my university scroll even ended up in the army camp? The story has to start with my search for meaning in life...

Sorry folks, my co-serviceman needs to use the only Internet PC in the office. Until next time ......


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