7th entry - D.Grayman (part 3)
(Continued from Part 2)
The Exorcists of the Black Order
Now, the good guys… Exorcists are gifted super-humans compatible with Innocence, a holy power (with the appearance of a glowing green crystal) that can destroy Akuma. When Innocence finds a compatible human “host”, it can be controlled by the host and evolve as an anti-Akuma weapon. Simply put, new Exorcists are recruited by existing ones, as directed by Komui, an authority of the Black Order (science department supervisor), upon his detection of Innocence. The precise process is somewhat convoluted, but I had the impression that the evil Akuma are usually the ones who detect the Innocence first, and because they start congregating in the area to destroy it and stir up mayhem noticeably, Exorcists are dispatched to deal with the offending Akuma, and thus stumble upon the Innocence and the compatible hosts (potential recruits) in the process. New Exorcist recruits are brought to the Black Order for their Innocence to be assessed and crafted into anti-Akuma weapons (fused together with their compatible hosts). They are then trained to synchronize with their Innocence, as well as to engage in mortal combat.
Not all the potentials succeed in becoming Exorcists; I remember one young girl who was compatible with a powerful Innocence that could enable Exorcists to predict the future. Unfortunately it was destroyed in battle by one of the Ancient Family members (I think it took the form of a cat that could transform into a woman, but I cannot remember its/her name…). But so far at least 2 important potentials managed to safely reach the Black Order and be trained as Exorcists: Miranda Lott and Baron Aleister Crowley (introduced below).
While Exorcists are super-human, they are far from invincible; they can be killed in battle against powerful Akuma and Ancient Family members. In fact, numerous Exorcists are killed; some episodes focus on the tragic deaths of Exorcists at the hands of the enemy. For instance, Soman, an Exorcist who was recruited because he needed to provide for his family, died a painful and horrific manner. He made a pact with Tiki on one occasion to spare his life, and in so doing his Innocence rebelled within him and went berserk. Allen tried to save him but failed, and instead nearly lost his Innocence (pardon the pun) at Tiki’s hands.
The “Heroes” consist of:

1) Allen Walker - the protagonist of D.Grayman, a teenager with a voracious appetite (but who never puts on any weight...!), great fighting power and skill, and a big heart. Allen loves his friends and does his utmost to protect them; he also has compassion for the suffering souls trapped within Akuma and makes it his goal in life to free them. He is equipped with a "cursed eye" that automatically detects Akuma. This left eye turns red by itself when Akuma are near and enables Allen to differentiate between real humans and Akuma disguises. His Innocence is embedded in His left arm as a cross-shaped mark. Normally Allen’s hand looks like an ordinary one but when his Innocence is invoked, it transforms into a claw. At one stage his weapon evolved into a powerful cannon.
After his innocence was shattered by Tiki and his arm amputated, he managed to recover in a special hideout. There he miraculously develops the Crown Clown weapon by gathering the Innocence fragments around him, and acquires new fighting skills and abilities. In the battle with Tiki while inside the Ark (which Allen won), it was hinted that Allen was slated to be a new General (albeit he was rather young to be one). The latest twist (Aug 2008), however, is that he was supposedly linked to the “Musician” of the Ancient Family (the 14th who was for some unrevealed reason killed by the Ancient Family) who knew the secret 14th room of the Ark and this earned him suspicions from the Dark Religious Organization that he was allegedly a spy for the Ancient Family. General Cross Marian, Allen’s mentor and master, will be investigated together with Allen for these allegations because he was also unable to explain how or why Allen was recruited in the first place, and Cross’s mysterious and unconventional working style only fuelled further suspicions… His trial is a parody of Jesus Christ’s trial by the Jews and Romans – the savior of mankind was wrongly accused and ultimately sentenced to death. Will Allen suffer the same ill fate?...
2) Kanda Yuu

Kanda is a cool, highly skilled and highly tenacious Japanese Exorcist who wields a deadly sword. Although he appears unfeeling, frowning (or wearing a serious expression) all the time and rather unfriendly to everyone, he is attractive as a mysterious brooding who is always focussed, courageous and chivalrous (especially to his friends, whom he wanted to protect at the start of the battles in the Ark - he fought sweet-toothed Skin Boric). From time to time, there will be flashbacks about Kanda's mysterious past, e.g. a lotus flower suspended in a glass jar, adding to his aura of attractiveness. I also like his tattoo on his chest above his heart, not to mention his great looks.
Kanda has an amazing ability to heal rapidly, and even when his sword was broken he manages to muster his Innocence with his blood to bring the sword back and continue fighting. His famous stance is Mugen (Six Illusions, lit), but he also has a mass attack stance Kaichuu Ichigen which unleashes horrific bugs against the enemies.
3) Linalee

One of the few female heroines in the anime, Linalee is the adorable younger sister of Komui. Linalee has been at the Order with her brother since young, as their parents were killed by Akuma. She seemed to have had many unhappy experiences as a child, although she had good memories of happy times with her brother and other childhood friends in the Order. She is kind, considerate, thinks of her friends all the time, and cares a lot about Allen. Her innocence is syncronised with her legs which enables her to kick some enemy ass, but sadly they were injured very early in battle (she was kidnapped by the Ancient Family and trapped in the Ark until her friends rescued her...)
4) Lavi and his grandpa, Bookman (Senior)

Lavi is a hothead with loves fun and friends. The successor of his grandpa, Bookman, Lavi is particularly close to Allen. His weapon is the Big Hammer Small Hammer; when dormant, the hammer resembles a little kid's toy kept in a holster on his thigh. The hammer is versatile, however, and can be used to smash his enemies when enlarged or invoke incantations: Hiban Gouka Kaijin - fire; Tenban Raitei Kaiten - lightning; and Mokuban Tenchi Bankai - ability to control nature. The hammer handle can also extend rapidly at will to bring him to safety or closer to his enemy.
Bookman (Senior), Lavi's grandpa, is a name as well as title for the one who records "hidden history". Bookman is an expert healer using acupuncture. He manages to heal many Exorcists along the journey. His attack is a scroll which destroys his unsuspecting enemies with spells, as well as Heaven's Compass, where thousands of needles are thrown at the enemies to immobilize or destroy them.

5) Miranda Lott and Baron Aleister Crowley
Miranda was initially a pitiful woman ostracised by her townsfolk because she’s clumsy and freakish. Her life changed when she was blessed with Innocence from an antique grandfather’s clock that was abandoned in an antique shop. With it, she could control time but only temporarily. Her weapon, Time Record, a disc-shaped device attached to her arm, was made from her clock. When Miranda invokes her Innocence, she is able to create a time bubble in which the effects of time (such as past injuries) could be stopped or reversed, albeit temporarily. Another stance, Recovery, enables her to create a protective field that causes all physical damage to vanish.
Baron Aleister Crowley is a vampire, except he drinks Akuma blood. Interestingly, he has shown himself to be highly emotional and sensitive, almost wimpish, when not engaged in battle. But once he is angered, especially when his friends are injured, he fights to the death. His teeth resonates to the presence of Akuma, and his Innocence allows him to regenerate and his strength to increase tremendously when he drinks Akuma blood.
The Exorcists of the Black Order
Now, the good guys… Exorcists are gifted super-humans compatible with Innocence, a holy power (with the appearance of a glowing green crystal) that can destroy Akuma. When Innocence finds a compatible human “host”, it can be controlled by the host and evolve as an anti-Akuma weapon. Simply put, new Exorcists are recruited by existing ones, as directed by Komui, an authority of the Black Order (science department supervisor), upon his detection of Innocence. The precise process is somewhat convoluted, but I had the impression that the evil Akuma are usually the ones who detect the Innocence first, and because they start congregating in the area to destroy it and stir up mayhem noticeably, Exorcists are dispatched to deal with the offending Akuma, and thus stumble upon the Innocence and the compatible hosts (potential recruits) in the process. New Exorcist recruits are brought to the Black Order for their Innocence to be assessed and crafted into anti-Akuma weapons (fused together with their compatible hosts). They are then trained to synchronize with their Innocence, as well as to engage in mortal combat.
Not all the potentials succeed in becoming Exorcists; I remember one young girl who was compatible with a powerful Innocence that could enable Exorcists to predict the future. Unfortunately it was destroyed in battle by one of the Ancient Family members (I think it took the form of a cat that could transform into a woman, but I cannot remember its/her name…). But so far at least 2 important potentials managed to safely reach the Black Order and be trained as Exorcists: Miranda Lott and Baron Aleister Crowley (introduced below).
While Exorcists are super-human, they are far from invincible; they can be killed in battle against powerful Akuma and Ancient Family members. In fact, numerous Exorcists are killed; some episodes focus on the tragic deaths of Exorcists at the hands of the enemy. For instance, Soman, an Exorcist who was recruited because he needed to provide for his family, died a painful and horrific manner. He made a pact with Tiki on one occasion to spare his life, and in so doing his Innocence rebelled within him and went berserk. Allen tried to save him but failed, and instead nearly lost his Innocence (pardon the pun) at Tiki’s hands.
The “Heroes” consist of:

1) Allen Walker - the protagonist of D.Grayman, a teenager with a voracious appetite (but who never puts on any weight...!), great fighting power and skill, and a big heart. Allen loves his friends and does his utmost to protect them; he also has compassion for the suffering souls trapped within Akuma and makes it his goal in life to free them. He is equipped with a "cursed eye" that automatically detects Akuma. This left eye turns red by itself when Akuma are near and enables Allen to differentiate between real humans and Akuma disguises. His Innocence is embedded in His left arm as a cross-shaped mark. Normally Allen’s hand looks like an ordinary one but when his Innocence is invoked, it transforms into a claw. At one stage his weapon evolved into a powerful cannon.
After his innocence was shattered by Tiki and his arm amputated, he managed to recover in a special hideout. There he miraculously develops the Crown Clown weapon by gathering the Innocence fragments around him, and acquires new fighting skills and abilities. In the battle with Tiki while inside the Ark (which Allen won), it was hinted that Allen was slated to be a new General (albeit he was rather young to be one). The latest twist (Aug 2008), however, is that he was supposedly linked to the “Musician” of the Ancient Family (the 14th who was for some unrevealed reason killed by the Ancient Family) who knew the secret 14th room of the Ark and this earned him suspicions from the Dark Religious Organization that he was allegedly a spy for the Ancient Family. General Cross Marian, Allen’s mentor and master, will be investigated together with Allen for these allegations because he was also unable to explain how or why Allen was recruited in the first place, and Cross’s mysterious and unconventional working style only fuelled further suspicions… His trial is a parody of Jesus Christ’s trial by the Jews and Romans – the savior of mankind was wrongly accused and ultimately sentenced to death. Will Allen suffer the same ill fate?...
2) Kanda Yuu

Kanda is a cool, highly skilled and highly tenacious Japanese Exorcist who wields a deadly sword. Although he appears unfeeling, frowning (or wearing a serious expression) all the time and rather unfriendly to everyone, he is attractive as a mysterious brooding who is always focussed, courageous and chivalrous (especially to his friends, whom he wanted to protect at the start of the battles in the Ark - he fought sweet-toothed Skin Boric). From time to time, there will be flashbacks about Kanda's mysterious past, e.g. a lotus flower suspended in a glass jar, adding to his aura of attractiveness. I also like his tattoo on his chest above his heart, not to mention his great looks.
Kanda has an amazing ability to heal rapidly, and even when his sword was broken he manages to muster his Innocence with his blood to bring the sword back and continue fighting. His famous stance is Mugen (Six Illusions, lit), but he also has a mass attack stance Kaichuu Ichigen which unleashes horrific bugs against the enemies.
3) Linalee

One of the few female heroines in the anime, Linalee is the adorable younger sister of Komui. Linalee has been at the Order with her brother since young, as their parents were killed by Akuma. She seemed to have had many unhappy experiences as a child, although she had good memories of happy times with her brother and other childhood friends in the Order. She is kind, considerate, thinks of her friends all the time, and cares a lot about Allen. Her innocence is syncronised with her legs which enables her to kick some enemy ass, but sadly they were injured very early in battle (she was kidnapped by the Ancient Family and trapped in the Ark until her friends rescued her...)
4) Lavi and his grandpa, Bookman (Senior)

Lavi is a hothead with loves fun and friends. The successor of his grandpa, Bookman, Lavi is particularly close to Allen. His weapon is the Big Hammer Small Hammer; when dormant, the hammer resembles a little kid's toy kept in a holster on his thigh. The hammer is versatile, however, and can be used to smash his enemies when enlarged or invoke incantations: Hiban Gouka Kaijin - fire; Tenban Raitei Kaiten - lightning; and Mokuban Tenchi Bankai - ability to control nature. The hammer handle can also extend rapidly at will to bring him to safety or closer to his enemy.
Bookman (Senior), Lavi's grandpa, is a name as well as title for the one who records "hidden history". Bookman is an expert healer using acupuncture. He manages to heal many Exorcists along the journey. His attack is a scroll which destroys his unsuspecting enemies with spells, as well as Heaven's Compass, where thousands of needles are thrown at the enemies to immobilize or destroy them.

5) Miranda Lott and Baron Aleister Crowley
Miranda was initially a pitiful woman ostracised by her townsfolk because she’s clumsy and freakish. Her life changed when she was blessed with Innocence from an antique grandfather’s clock that was abandoned in an antique shop. With it, she could control time but only temporarily. Her weapon, Time Record, a disc-shaped device attached to her arm, was made from her clock. When Miranda invokes her Innocence, she is able to create a time bubble in which the effects of time (such as past injuries) could be stopped or reversed, albeit temporarily. Another stance, Recovery, enables her to create a protective field that causes all physical damage to vanish.
Baron Aleister Crowley is a vampire, except he drinks Akuma blood. Interestingly, he has shown himself to be highly emotional and sensitive, almost wimpish, when not engaged in battle. But once he is angered, especially when his friends are injured, he fights to the death. His teeth resonates to the presence of Akuma, and his Innocence allows him to regenerate and his strength to increase tremendously when he drinks Akuma blood.