27th entry - Milestones

My sweetheart, S, and I have been together for 6 months. For many couples that I know, its considered a long time. For us, I hope its only the beginning of a beautiful and satisfying relationship.
To be sure, we had experienced several milestones together. Our first date at Suntec City food court; our first shopping experience at Carrefour (where S bought me starfruits and I learnt that S loved yoghurt); our first KTV session at Orchard Cineleisure which ended up with me going to hospital (to visit a friend, I might add, while S waited patiently for me at Novena Square Shopping Mall); our first magical night at S's apartment, after we decided to become a couple; our first Chinese New Year celebration, which was soon followed by our first Valentine's Day celebration ...
Soon, we were having our monthly anniversary celebrations. We always had a meal together to observe this occasion - sometimes lavish (e.g. at restaurants like Old Shanghai in Chinatown) and sometimes frugal (e.g. at S's apartment, where we cooked and shared a simple yet hearty meal). On our recent 6th month anniversary, S and I gave each other presents (S bought two adorable teddy bears for me, while I bought S a 1GB USB-thumbdrive), and we ate at the Don Noodle Bistro at Tanglin Mall.
We had our first trip together to KL, and went to the Singapore Botanical Gardens together. We got to know each other better along the way, and our bond became stronger. S shared intimate details about S's past that had shaped the person I had come to know - and to cherish and love. We took our first photos together, which would be a witness to our beautiful relationship in years to come. Of course, we also had our ups and downs, our tears and fears, but nothing had been insurmountable for us - yet.
And now, we are embarking on yet another milestone - moving in together to a rental apartment on 24 Jul 2006. As this would warrant a separate entry, I shall not mention much here, except that I am looking forward to this incredible milestone that I had never passed with anyone else in my life (and I believe its the same for S). A lot of preparation was involved, but I am confident that things will work out. Well, actually I'm keeping my fingers crossed...hahaha
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