16th Entry - Undercurrent

Faye Wong (left; source: http://www.bigbaer.com/blog/archives/2005/02/) is one of my favourite Hong Kong singers/artistes. While she seems to project a rather cold and unfriendly image, and (in my opinion) she does behave quite arrogantly at times, I enjoy listening to her voice and I admire her beauty, her boldness in dressing differently from mainstream and her strong personality.
A few of her earlier songs have left a deep impression in my mind. Among these is Undercurrent, which was sung in Cantonese dialect. My close friend KC also likes this song (she says its one of her favourites), and she even attempted a translation of the lyrics into English as well as gave a commentary of it. With her permission, I have reproduced it here on my blog.
Undercurrent -- from Toy EP
music: Chen Hui Yang
lyrics: Lin Xi
- Even if the sky gets deeper
- Can't see through the cracks
- The forehead's still cramped with clouds
- Even if the house is dimly lit
- And it can't shine through me
- Still it reflects your heart
- Let this puff of smoke rise
- My body sinks low
- How once I had wanted, wanted to move closer
- Your heart and eyes, mouth and ears are ill-fated
- I can't keep my hold on them
- Afraid the tragedy will repeat itself in my life, in my life
- The more beautiful things are, the more I can't touch them
- History is repeating itself in this bustling city
- It doesn't make sense that love can be without undercurrent
- Actually what's the use of loving you
- As if this time by holding you close, it won't come to nothing
- Still quietly waiting for you to tell me not to waste my efforts
- I have a sixth sense about everything
- And then can't open both eyes to see fate's arrival
- And then the clouds gather thickly over the sky once more
KC's Commentary:
Verses 1-6 -
Notice the visual images that is evoked so poignantly in just these few verses. The association of sky and cracks brings out a startling visual image of the sky like a painting, or at least, something tangible that has cracks. Then Lin Xi brings out another image, that of a dimly-lit house, as a metaphor for the lover's heart. This first stanza alone is enough to cue the listener that the theme is going to be fatalistic.
Verses 7-11 -
I have done a literal translation of the fourth line in this stanza because I thought it is simply beautiful how it was written in Cantonese. The lover's facial features are personified, and the heart, eyes, mouth and ears, like persons, are described as being not fated to meet, a lyrical way of explaining the protagonist's inability to hold onto the lover, both outwardly (his appearance) and inwardly (his love).
Verses 12 and 13 -
Rather melancholic here. But still, it fits well with the cascading music, and brings out the mood of the theme.
Verses 14 and 15 -
The protagonist's insecurity and doubt is expressed explicitly here...
Verses 16 and 17 -
...and here.
Verses 18-21 -
This last stanza ends ominously with the image of the clouds again, a neat technique to sort of wrap up the theme with a repeat of this image that is originally mentioned in the first stanza. We get a sense of gloom, and at once, we think about a stormy sky that spells something unfavourable in the protagonist's fate with her lover.
Overall -
In general, this entire song is really quite depressing, but what I find unusual about it is its operatic feel -- the powerful lyrics and the enigmatic music with its series of climaxes make this song strangely unforgettable.
My comments:
I love the main melody of this song, which is played with keyboard (piano), with string accompaniment in the background. I feel as though viewing a film in which the director captures fast-paced, ever-changing clouds in a gloomy sky via the use of the time-lens photography technique.
The song strikes a chord in my heart because at times I think my beloved S is enigmatic, and a lot of things may not be what they seem on the surface. Although I am very happy in our relationship, I feel that I cannot see through my lover, and my understanding of S remains superficial. I have an irrational fear that our relationship will be threatened by this.
Ultimately, as the saying/song goes, "que sera, sera" - what will be, will be. As I never expected to fall in love again after my 2nd failed relationship, now that I am blessed with this opportunity, the least I can do is cherish every moment I am together with S and try to understand and love my partner. Nothing can ever be taken for granted or planned in advance - God will determine the outcome according to His divine will, which I willingly submit to.
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