24th entry - Romancing the Stars
When I was in my teens I was drawn to all sorts of mystical stuff and religion, full of curiosity about the unknown and paranormal, and less skeptical about things that I read about in books. I used to read a lot of fantasy books and adventure stories, day-dreaming and wishing that I could embark on some adventures of my own.
I was a particularly avid believer of astrology, delving into books on what the star signs mean and even learning how to draw up star charts and interpret them. When I began to lean towards mainstream Christianity in my beliefs, I began to distant myself from astrology, as it was considered a form of "witchcraft" by the puritanical Christian community. My desire to live an "good Christian life", coupled with my disillusionment with "horoscope", which appeared to be unsatisfactory generic predictions about events in life and relationships, resulted in the rejection of all forms divinity, including astrology.
On the other hand, the love of my life, H, is quite into astrology.
H is a Pisces - supposedly mysterious and alluring, extremely talented, sensitive and tend to fantasize but often get disillusioned with reality. While these traits are coincidentally found in H, I am hesitant to believe everything that is generalised about a person based on their "star sign". Nonetheless, I noticed that H is indeed a Pisces who "often need to take lots of holidays (or time off) to recover from life's many diverse pressures" (from psychicguild.com), and this also means I need to give H more emotional support and personal space.
Whatever is said in general about a particular "star sign", one has to take with a pinch of salt. How an individual is brought up and socialised will have a greater impact on the innate personality traits associated with the "star sign". As for me, I am having the opportunity of a lifetime to learn how to love and care for my sweet Pisces...
I was a particularly avid believer of astrology, delving into books on what the star signs mean and even learning how to draw up star charts and interpret them. When I began to lean towards mainstream Christianity in my beliefs, I began to distant myself from astrology, as it was considered a form of "witchcraft" by the puritanical Christian community. My desire to live an "good Christian life", coupled with my disillusionment with "horoscope", which appeared to be unsatisfactory generic predictions about events in life and relationships, resulted in the rejection of all forms divinity, including astrology.
On the other hand, the love of my life, H, is quite into astrology.
H is a Pisces - supposedly mysterious and alluring, extremely talented, sensitive and tend to fantasize but often get disillusioned with reality. While these traits are coincidentally found in H, I am hesitant to believe everything that is generalised about a person based on their "star sign". Nonetheless, I noticed that H is indeed a Pisces who "often need to take lots of holidays (or time off) to recover from life's many diverse pressures" (from psychicguild.com), and this also means I need to give H more emotional support and personal space.
Whatever is said in general about a particular "star sign", one has to take with a pinch of salt. How an individual is brought up and socialised will have a greater impact on the innate personality traits associated with the "star sign". As for me, I am having the opportunity of a lifetime to learn how to love and care for my sweet Pisces...